The new Travis Field Water Reclamation Facility will be constructed on the site of the old existing treatment facility. The project includes demolition of existing structures, with exception to the existing on-site Lift Station 40.
The first phase consists of a 4 MGD facility, which is expandable to a second phase 8 MGD facility. The existing on-site Lift Station 40 is a major City lift station and must remain on line throughout the project. The Lift Station 40 will be converted to the WRF influent pump station, which will be pumped to the Headworks system. Major components of the project include: Headworks with Drum Screen and a stacked tray grit separator, Equalization Tank, MBR System with an attached building, UV Disinfection System, D.O. System, Effluent Pump Station, Drain Pump Station, Caustic and Alum Chemical System Sludge Dewatering Facility which can utilize a reconditioned City belt press unit. The site will include typical storm water drainage, paving, and grading.
The second phase of construction will include approximately 17,000 LF of 30” effluent force main to include 2,400 LF of directional drill, 400 LF of Jack and Bore, erosion control outfall structure, air release valves, as well as pipe line testing and other related ancillary work.
City of Savannah
Thomas & Hutton
June 2023