This project in Sumter, South Carolina included an upgrade of the existing wastewater treatment plant from 15 MGD to 24 MGD through the addition of one bar screen, upgrade to influent pump station, new grit removal, addition of blowers and diffused aeration basin, modification of existing basin to diffused aeration; addition of two 90-degree clarifiers and sludge return pumps and buildings. Work also included the expansion of the disinfection chamber, chlorine and SO2 systems; addition of effluent wetwell and plant pumping systems, new aeration system in existing sludge holding tanks, addition of three sludge belt presses, new polymer feed system, modification to existing sludge conveyor, new maintenance building, modifications to existing lab building, improvements to existing discharge ditch, and new SCADA system. Work was completed in June 2009.
City of Sumter
Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern, Inc.
August 20, 2007
June 2009