This Design/Build contract located in Bluffton & Okatie, South Carolina consists of two phases:
- North Street Transmission Main Improvements – This portion of the project consists of installing a new 20” PVC transmission main. The 20” transmission main will start at the existing 20” main that runs along Highway 170 and continues along North Street until it connects to the existing 16” main, totaling about 9,700 feet in length.
- Bluffton Parkway Water Main Part 1 – This portion of the project includes installing new 24” and 36” transmission mains to create redundancy between an existing 16” and two existing 24” water mains. The new 24" transmission main runs parallel to Highway 170 on the opposite side of the existing 24" main. A steel cased jack and bore was installed under Highway 170 to tie the new 24” to the existing. The new 36" transmission main runs parallel along Bluffton Parkway and connects to an existing 16” water main and upon completion of the new tank, it will extend to it and tie in. A new 1.5MGD elevated storage tank will also be constructed and will directly connect with the new transmission main.
Beaufort Jasper Water & Sewer Authority
Barge Design Solutions, Inc.
May 2023