Division I: Scope of work for Division I includes clearing, grading and installation of the necessary drainage infrastructure for installation of the proposed Phase I – 4 MGD WRF. Additionally, work will include modifications/conversion of the existing transfer pump station, discharge piping, and structures. Scope also includes construction of new influent pump station, installation of plant headworks (drum screen and Grit system removal) and 2.5 MG equalization (EQ) Tank.
Division II: Scope of work for Division II includes installation of proposed 4 MGD MBR water reclamation facility. In general, the facility will include biological treatment system with membrane bioreactors (MBRs). The treatment train will consist of plug flow anaerobic, anoxic, two aeration bioreactors, swing zone/distribution channel, and four (4) MBR tanks to remove soluble organics and ammonia originally present in the wastewater. Additionally, the facility will include effluent pump station, reuse water facility, oxygenation system, sludge dewatering facility, UV disinfection, chemical feed, and electrical facilities, as well as, the site work for yard piping, paving, and fencing.
Division III: The Scope of work for Division III includes installation of approximately 12,000 linear feet of 30–inch effluent force main between the new WRF and discharge point at the Ogeechee River. Division III scope also includes construction of the proposed discharge structure and diffuser system.
Bryan County Board of Commissioners
Thomas & Hutton
July 2025